
2 thoughts on “Szíria- A török légvédelem lelőtt egy orosz vadászgépet

  1. I will start my answer from far away from the topic.
    What people power, authority of the head of state? I believe: the power based on the truth. Why do people believe in Putin’s Russia, and love?
    The answer is simple. Very easy. Putin was not lying! Putin is not a liar.
    When the downed Boeing Malaysian only Russia showed data from the radar. This is a state guarantee of data quality.
    What do other countries do?
    USA simply said: „It was shot down Russians.” „Trust us.”
    Then Russia asked them. „Your reconnaissance satellite was flying at this time over the place where the crashed Boeing.
    Your AWACS was flying in Poland at the time and worked. Can you show the pictures from space? Can you photos of locators?” They replied: „No. We can not publish it. On the Internet there is evidence! Believe us. The plane was hit by a Russians . They are to blame.”
    Russia asked them: „Can Ukraine publish speech between air traffic controllers and the aircraft.” They replied: „No. We can not publish it. On the Internet there is evidence! Believe us. The plane was hit by a Russians . They are to blame.”
    The Internet was full of fakes. About fake evidence of this tragedy you probably read on the Internet. The US State Department said seriously: „This is the proof in internet!” It lasted a long time. A very long time. After that Americans began to say that their findings are based on data from the Internet !!! All these data were later refuted. It was a golden time for journalist Matt Lee and Jane Psaki nightmare.
    When sombody tell for you a lie for a long time, you begin to believe it. You begin to live in it. Europe and the United States believe in all words of US Department. Few doubted Germany. But as you know in Germany a good education of the whole population. Unlike the US. But this does not save. People are starting to believe after 1000 times.
    From all that was in a state of evidence. Only Russian radar data !!! Nothing else! Also I hear verbiage Jane Psaki from the US State Department.
    Why do I trust Putin? Because I do not trust in the verbiage of Jane psaki. And I believe in the data of objective data radar and space technology. Why do they only from Russians?
    Another example. Two of the country. Ukraine and Russia. Falling living standards in both countries. Ukraine – the President’s rating of 13%. Russia – 86%.
    Reasons. „Russia and Ukraine are very, very similar countryes. For the 70-80% of Ukrainians native language is Russian. Although nationality – Ukrainian.
    People have common traditions, common history, a common history. It is very hard to deceive people after that.
    Lies will lead to a drop of the rankings. Therefore, Putin’s rating of 86%. Rating Poroshenko ???
    Power is in the truth!
    What do you think? Who I will believe? if, Only Russia has published radar data? No one else has published. Other countres waving papers and shouting „believe us”.” The answer is obvious! I will believe in Putin.
    Russia has asked the Turkish radar data. Turkish Answer: for us are forbidden to publish. Why?
    Power is in the truth!

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